Spring Time is Antenna Time. What's Your Pleasure?

Springtime is antenna time. Warmer temperatures give Amateur Radio operators an opportunity to check on their QTH antenna systems for repair and or maintenance. It is also a time for us to put to practice some of those antenna designs and projects we developed over the winter months. Those of us who do a lot of portable, Parks on the Air, Summits on the air and World Wide Flora and Fauna are eager to construct antennas which are lighter, durable and easy to deploy providing increased window of opportunity for those chasing us. Over the years, I have successfully and failed in constructing HF, V/UHF portable and permanent antenna. It is always great to enjoy the fruits of my labor in using an antenna I've built. There's one antenna which has been on my bucket list for years. This spring is the year I remove it from that list. This antenna has been around for more than a century. It hasn't change much, except for the materials used to build it. It is the Marconi K...