
Showing posts from February, 2025

I Don't Need 1.21 Gigawatts, a Flux Capacitor or Plutonium to make a QSO

  Note: I've had this post in the can for a long, long time and felt now; due to the potential of price increases as a result of tariffs directed to countries where these batteries are produced, it might be a good time to look at these batteries. I look back to 1985 when the "Back to the Future" movie was release when we became aware of the Flux Capacitor and I remember when operating portable those days of lugging around a BIG HEAVY battery to operate  with  my Ten Tec Omni transceiver. In the words of a Bob Dylan song, "The Times Are a'Changin" No more lugging around a 16+ lb. 12 volt battery.   In today's Amateur Radio World, all I need is one of these units to power my Amateur Radio  portable   activities . Miady 12VC 16Ah LiPo4 Battery TalentCell 12V 6Ah Battery TalentCell 12V 3Ah Battery Bioenno 12V 3Ah LiPo4 Battery Thunderbolt Magnum 9V 200 mAh NiMH Rechargeable Battery A few years ago I came upon a YouTube video review by Jason KM4ACK about hi...

So you've learn Morse Code (CW)! Now What? Part 2

  I received a few comments from my recent post "So You've Learned Morse Code (CW). Now What? Some operators say they are having difficulties finding operators sending at a speed they could copy.  Over a few days I took time to listen across the bands and did find their comments to be fairly accurate in comparison to the amount of total CW signals I heard. There were not many operators sending at speeds less than 15 WPM. Just might be a little daunting for a someone stepping into the Morse Code world. It is definitely not like the days when I was first licensed in 1963 or when I was relicensed in 1983 when Morse Code was required by the FCC.  In those days of yore, Novices were restricted to CW on 3.7 - 3.75 Mhz, 7.1 - 7.15 Mhz, 21.1 - 21.2 Mhz , 28.1 - 28.2 Mhz.  I look back now and tremendously appreciate my days as a Novice during those days.   There was no internet or spotting networks then. There were though regular daily and weekly CW nets and of cour...