Return of a Wanna-Be-Jedi !


Its been awhile since my last blog post and even more so posting on any social media platform. I would like to thank all for their inquiries and concerns and apologize to all for not responding .

Some of you may know I've battled some health issues over the past several years. In 2008, I had what I call the "Humpty Dumpty" surgery. That surgery involved a bikini incision across my abdomen, where they removed half my stomach,12 feet of my intestine, Gall Bladder, Bile Duct, and Pancreas as part of my Pancreatic Cancer surgery. (They also removed five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, and two turtle doves ) Lucky for me, my oncology surgeon was not part of the King's Men and was able to put me (Humpty Dumpty) back together again.   

My successful recovery in part, was due to what I call my mostly mental with some physical therapeutic remedies of participating in triathlons, bicycle touring and ham radio. 

As noted by my oncologist there was a possibility of cancer returning in a different area and indeed In 2016, I had my first of what has turned out to be three bladder cancer surgeries and treatments. (2022 & 2023). 2019 saw the first onset of liver failure and during a 9/11/2020 surgery to insert stent to open my liver duct around scar tissue from pancreatic cancer surgery, my intestine was perforated. No B\ig deal as I was ready to leave the hospital the next day.

Since 2020, my immune system has been comprised and effectively no defense from infections which resulted in chronic inflammation symptoms, (Migraines, Sinus Infections, Vertigo, and four COVID Breakthrough infections). Since the beginning of 2023, I've have gone through a multitude of tests to eliminate Lupus, MS, ALS, MD, RA, Lymphoma and other autoimmune diseases. Nothing.

In March 2023, I woke up one morning and my sight in my left eye was almost gone. My doctor thought I had had a stroke. Nope. While on a POTA activation in late June 2023 with Mike N4DCW, I temporally lost the feeling and use of my right leg. Another possible stroke? Thought by physicians?  NOPE again.

It was more mentally then physically taxing. Having trained and participate in triathlons, traveled many miles bike touring, after my pancreatic cancer surgery, any physical issues I've battled have been easy.  Amateur Radio though was my mental savior but that all started to fall apart in September 2023 when for reasons still unknown my ham radio Instagram account was terminated, my Ham Radio "X" account feeds began to get saturated with sexual, political and commercial / spam solicitation posts.  It was an effort finding ham radio content Even some SAD HAMS on "Mastodon". Additionally, my POTA activations became increasingly filled with tune-ups, and unetiquette Amateur Radio operator behavior. I had had enough.

In mid October, my body and mind started to shutdown. I was mostly bed ridden through the end of the 2023. None of my team of medical specialists couldn't find a reason that was causing my health issues. They wanted to place me on a multitude of medications, spinal taps and other neurological test.  Hell No!

I'm that dreaded patient who takes an active role in their healthcare. I've never taken well to people saying, "Well, that's the way we've always done that" or "That's the way it is" or "Let's take these pills for a few months and see what happens." Like the other James, I follow the "Kobayashi Maru" solution. Difficult for me to accept a no-win scenario. Think outside the box. Find the cause and stop treating the symptom.

During Christmas holiday 2023 while going through my worst case of COVID and discussing a lifetime of ailments, sicknesses and health issues with my endocrinologist, we stumbled upon the suspicion I might have Celiac disease.  Negative blood test for Celiac disease but strong possibility I was Gluten Intolerant, 

To all of our amazement, especially mine, since going gluten free in January 2024, all of my blood work has improved. My T-cells and chronic inflammation markers have improved, blood pressure has lowered extensively, no more erratic blood sugar swings, my A1c level is best in six years, BMI has fallen, left eye vison has drastically improved, no monthly migraines, nasal congestion or sinus infections, no skin reactions (Rashes, eczema, sun burn), no digestive issues, no more bloating, no neurological issues, no depression, no more brain fog, no more chronic fatigue, no more daily joint and muscle pain or daily pain medication which I have been on since 2019.  

Seemingly all of this from a lifetime of undiagnosed Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity. My mental state had improved and the cause of my ailments are being treated instead of the symptoms. Now monthly blood workups for the next few months to see if things continue to improve and to check if anything else crops plus quarterly scans for cancer.

So with that being said, look for this Wanna-Be Jedi's return to POTA activities with a FULL MONTY of modes, CW,SSB, FT8 and SSTV.  There is an empty line in my logbook waiting for any takers.

Ham on a Bike


  1. This is brilliant news, Jim! We've all missed you on the air and we've missed that Jim energy you provide. So incredibly happy to hear that a dietary adjustment has had so much positive impact. This is how it was with my father-in-law--he has the same diagnosis and those changes made a world of difference to him.
    Even here on my end, I've noticed an uptick of trolls and bad on-the-air behavior when doing POTA activations. At least once a month, I hear someone deliberately trying to tune up or interfere during an activation. I feel sorry for people who can only get pleasure out of doing things like this. My wy of handling it is to see the QRM as a challenge and listen through it, ignoring them.
    Again, thanks so much for the update. We're here for you, friend!
    Thomas (K4SWL)

  2. So glad to see you in the feed again, Jim! I'm glad to hear that your health is improving. It was great to read the story in this post. I am a cancer survivor too, and ham radio really kept me mentally fit (and sane) during surgeries and radiation. And like you, I think my baseline running and cycling fitness really helped me through those treatments.

    I hope we'll see you back on Mastodon! We have an overwhelmingly positive, fair, and just community of amateur operators over there. I think we do a good job of drowning out the trolls. And we stick together!

  3. Thanks for sharing your health journey. I'm sure you didn't set out on this journey looking to inspire others, but that's your story now. From a fellow cyclist and ham radio enthusiast (KA8JUN), I wish you the best of health going forward.

  4. Rocking a bow tie! I wear one too! De KA4KOE


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