I Am Not Alone! There Are Many Of Us. Part 2
This is the second of my series, "I Am Not Alone! There Are Many Of Us" about Ham on a Bike. Here is the link to the first installment.
Ham on a Bike - I Am Not Alone! - There Are Many Of Us, Part 1
In this post about "Hams on a Bike", I'll introduce you to those who not only push the bounds of portable Ham Radio operations but cycling as well.
If you follow my Parks on the Air activations and think what I do is out of the ordinary or extreme, it does not hold a candle to these operators. Some of them I call extreme "Hams on a Bike" operators.
I consider this person to be an extreme Ham on a Bike operator. Dugbo - KD7DUG, better known as "Left Coast Ham Radio"; regularly takes his QRP Labs QMX rig, which he built; for his Summits on the Air activations. Dugbo shows what it takes to do a Mountain Bike SOTA activation this time while chasing Adam - K6ARK.
This "Ham on a Bike" likely uses some of his former military training to operate portable in some of the marshlands and Bayous of Louisiana. Miguel - KJ5CKG goes FULL BOAR OUTDOORS, as a lot of his operating is via hiking and camping, too.
Here's a unique way Kevan - 2E0WMG operators from across "The Pond". Kevan not only uses his bike to operate portable, but does pedestrian portable, boat operating in addition to combining his passion for ham radio and kayaking by operating from beaches or small islands near his QTH in England. View more of Kevan's Multi-Modal ham radio operating on his YouTube channel.
Long time licensed Craig - WB3GCK talks about his "Ham on a Bike" antics in his Blog post WB3GCK QRP Amateur Radio - Little Radio, big fun.
WB3GCK Bike Portable With The AX1
E-bikes are making it easier to cycle and ham radio operators are incorporating e-bikes in the portable Ham Radio activities. Andy - M6JKA shows off his "UNBELEIVEABLE"!!!" e-bike FT891 setup.
Not to be outdone, Linas - LY2H has an Elecraft KX2, MiniPA50 ATU and EFHW in a modular set-up for his "Ham on a e-bike". Licensed since 1979, Linas has an extensive history of dxing , qrp construction, antenna construction, field experimenting, contesting both HF and VHF, digital modes.
And yes, there are Bicycle Ham Radio Groups. The Huntsville Bicycle Ham Group in Huntsville, LA. USA. Check out their QRZ. Page.
This series would be uncredited without adding a YL to the list of "Hams on a Bike". Let me introduce you to Eline - PH4E. If you happen to hear Eline calling CQ on 20 or 10 meters SSB from the Netherlands with her call sign of PH4E/P, its a good chance she's out on her bike and radio.
Amateur Radio Activities of PH4E
And finally, here are a couple of Ham on a Bike operators who have have been doing it a lot longer than I. A lot of what I do was taken from these two California operators. Amateur Radio "Elmers" come in all forms and these two gave me a lot of insight and inspiration in the way I, "Ham on a Bike".
First is this Los Angeles, CA. USA "Ham on A Bike", Rick - N6IET. Rick's setup is more akin to how I do portable operating on a bike in the sense of the antennas, rigs, keys, paddles and operating locations.
And last is a "Ham on a Bike" operator I've known for quite some time. Rem - K6BBQ, not only has a tasty callsign but a number of miles and SSB QSOs while traveling on his trike in the San Francisco Bay area. Even participating in Field Day 2011 while cycling. Rem is relatively new to POTA activations in the Bay Area. Set up a Ham Alert and help him collect his goal of 100 Parks on the Air activations before his one year anniversary in June 2025.
Upcoming in the final of this series, I'll introduce you to a Ham on a Bike who has more DXCC entities by bike than I do from my shack,an operator who operates Ham on a Bike when the temperature is minus 5 degrees Celsius and an operator who I have a lot in common with in bikes and equipment setup.
I Am Not Alone! There Are Many Of Us.
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