My Buddy and Me. MY BUDDIPOLE experience!
I purchased my Buddipole Deluxe Antenna almost 16 years ago. This blog is not to endorse or oppose any aspects of the Buddipole antenna system but simply my experience in using it. Over my many years in ham radio, I’ve owned only three commercial built antennas. At the time I purchased my Buddipole antenna I owned a SUV and was impressed with its small footprint. I didn’t use my Buddipole that much before going car-free after three years of it’s purchased. Most of my Buddipole use after going car-free has been for Field Day. Field Day 2021 Field Day 2010 When I discovered Parks on the Air in 2020, it was time to bring my Buddipole into use other than Field Day. For many of the years of owning my Buddipole, I was never able to get any decent SWR readings on all bands. Nothing lower than 2.5:1 on any bands 40 – 10 meters in the Dipole configuration. When I retired in 2016, it gave me more time to enjoy ham radio. During the...